
Project in the Spotlight: DEPMAT (Data Enhanced Physical Models to reduce material use)


Key information Program title: Data Enhanced Physical Models to reduce material use Project in the Spotlight: N21022 - P20-22 Funding: NWO Perspectief Run time: December 2022 - November 2028 Market: Circularity and Material Production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck DEPMAT Research Program DEPMAT aims to close the steel lifecycle

Project in the Spotlight: TRANSCRIPT


Key information Program title: Transforming carbon-rich industrial waste gases of metallurgical plants into valuable products Project in the Spotlight: C19017 Funding: NWO PPP Fund 2019 - IPP Run time: September 2020 - December 2024 Market: Chemical Technology, Circularity and Material Production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck Research Program The

Project in the Spotlight: Maximize Rail Life (MaxLife)


Key information Project in the Spotlight: S16041 Market: Advanced Metals Written M2i Program Manager: Viktoria Savran Background The modern railway industry faces many challenges related to the increase of operational speeds coupled with the continuous increase in axle loads exerted by modern trains. Among these challenges, rolling contact fatigue (RCF) emerges as

Project in the Spotlight: Bridging industries for Zero Waste – Transforming steelmaking slags into Building Materials


Key information Project in the Spotlight: S81.6.15565 Market: Circularity/sustainability Written M2i Program Manager: Viktoria Savran Background At present a wide range of industrial by-products are not used to their full potential and end up in low-grade applications or are landfilled. A typical example is steel slag (e.g. converter/BOF slag), a stone-like high-temperature

Project in the Spotlight: Circular Circuits – design of next generation electronics for a circular economy


Key information Project in the Spotlight: N21006 (Perspectief P20-13) Market: Electronics Written by M2i Program Manager: Yulia Fischer Introduction On Sunday, 17 March 2024, The Klokhuis Science price (De Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs) will be awarded during the InScience film festival in Nijmegen. Het Klokhuis is an informative TV program for the youth. Max

Project in the Spotlight: Temperature-controllable Cell Adhesion


Key information Project in the Spotlight: T22002 Market: Chemical technology Written by M2i Program Manager: Yulia Fischer Tunable Cell-Adhesive Surfaces One of the most pressing needs in materials science concerns the increased longevity of tailor-made devices, so as to decrease both use of materials and costs. An interesting challenge in the field

Smart*Light 2.0: High-value ‘tabletop synchrotron’


The project Smart*Light 2.0 aims to develop a ‘tabletop synchrotron’—a reliable and optimized instrument for specific X-ray analysis techniques, with a focus on fluorescence, diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy, and tomography. These techniques enable researchers to investigate the elemental composition, atomic structure, nanostructure, chemical composition, and 3D structure on a sub-millimeter scale—a critical aspect of material

Project in the Spotlight: A Workshop on fatigue and dynamic loading


Key information Project in the Spotlight: N21007 Market: Civil Written by M2i Program Manager: Viktoria Savran Unveiling Challenges and New Frontiers in Steel Bridge Health Monitoring Introduction On November 8, 2023, the SUBLIME project marked a crucial milestone by hosting an insightful workshop in collaboration with esteemed industrial (ArcelorMittal, ARUP, BmS, ct

Digitally Enhanced New Steel product development (DENS)


Key information Project in the Spotlight: T17019 (DENS) Market: Materials production Written by M2i Program Manager: Viktoria Savran and Kees Bos (Tata Steel) Introduction The Digitally Enhanced New Steel product development (DENS) programme has aimed to bring through process modelling for steel new product development to a maturity level where it can

Project in the Spotlight: Multi-Wear PPS proposal granted!


Key information Project in the Spotlight: T23004 Market: Materials production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck Together with Tata Steel, the University of Groningen will develop a multi-scale approach to study and prevent wear of zinc-based anti-corrosion coatings used in the steel industry. Steel plays a key role in society,