M2i Community: connect with the network in materials innovation

The “Materials ecosystem”: we call it this because it involves all players in industry and academia, organizations and individuals, in fact the whole network which enables materials innovation. Driven specialists, researchers, managers and entrepreneurs – at established institutes, academia, large industries and smart start-ups. M2i connects with the players in the Materials eco-system to enable materials innovation in The Netherlands and internationally. Our personal approach has been well known for years. Now we are adding M2i Community: an online platform. We will start small, letting it grow and develop, and invite all players in materials innovation to build the M2i Community with us so that the entire Community benefits. We invite you to let us know what you want to reach with materials research and innovation, and how M2i can contribute to this in your view. Feel welcome to contact us.

Erik Vegter honored as special member of the Department of Materials Science TU Delft

Last Friday, July 5th, our very own Erik Vegter was awarded with the special status of Member of Honor the Department of Materials Science of the TU Delft. He received the honor during the Materials Technology Day, which was organised by the department about the Groeien met Groen Staal groeifonds program. Erik was recognised for his various substantial contributions to the field of Materials Science

Final Event Grade2XL on 11 July 2024 during the IIW2024

The final event for the Grade2XL project will be held during IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference (7-12 July, Rhodes, Greece). On 11 July Grade2XL will have its own dedicated session in the afternoon. In addition, Grade2XL will also have a booth at the IIW 2024 exhibition where two of the six WAAM demonstrators resulting from the project will be showcased.

TRIATHLON M6 meeting in Dresden & ILA Berlin

On 4th and 5th of June, TRIATHLON team got together for the M6 consortium meeting. Six months after the Kick-Off Meeting in Delft, the consortium met in Dresden (Germany), hosted by the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) of the Technical University of Dresden.