Key information Program title: Data Enhanced Physical Models to reduce material use Project in the Spotlight: N21022 - P20-22 Funding: NWO Perspectief Run time: December 2022 - November 2028 Market: Circularity and Material Production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck DEPMAT Research Program DEPMAT aims to close the steel lifecycle
Project in the Spotlight: TRANSCRIPT
Marcella Klouwens2024-05-31T10:33:23+02:00Key information Program title: Transforming carbon-rich industrial waste gases of metallurgical plants into valuable products Project in the Spotlight: C19017 Funding: NWO PPP Fund 2019 - IPP Run time: September 2020 - December 2024 Market: Chemical Technology, Circularity and Material Production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck Research Program The
Digitally Enhanced New Steel product development (DENS)
Marcella Klouwens2023-10-27T13:56:25+02:00Key information Project in the Spotlight: T17019 (DENS) Market: Materials production Written by M2i Program Manager: Viktoria Savran and Kees Bos (Tata Steel) Introduction The Digitally Enhanced New Steel product development (DENS) programme has aimed to bring through process modelling for steel new product development to a maturity level where it can
Project in the Spotlight: Multi-Wear PPS proposal granted!
Marcella Klouwens2023-10-02T09:42:23+02:00Key information Project in the Spotlight: T23004 Market: Materials production Written by M2i Program Manager: Jeroen van Beeck Together with Tata Steel, the University of Groningen will develop a multi-scale approach to study and prevent wear of zinc-based anti-corrosion coatings used in the steel industry. Steel plays a key role in society,
Project in the Spotlight: DEPMAT: Data Enhanced Physical models to reduce Materials use
Marcella Klouwens2024-03-21T13:52:40+01:00Key information Project in the Spotlight: N21022 Market: Circularity Written by the project team: Jeroen van Beeck (M2i) Introduction In May of 2022, NWO granted the program Data Enhanced Physical models to reduce Materials use (DEPMAT) under the Perspectief call. This five years research program is led by Prof. dr. ir. Ton van
Project in the Spotlight: Dynamic behaviour of liquid-solid systems applied to the blast furnace hearth
Marcella Klouwens2022-02-22T14:10:20+01:00Key information Project in the Spotlight: T16046 Market: Materials production Written by: Viktoria Savran Dynamic behaviour of liquid-solid systems applied to the blast furnace hearth The blast furnace is quite possibly the most intricate multiphase system. With high temperature liquid iron and slag, burden particles and reduction gases; enormous volume and different
Project in the Spotlight: Modelling austenite decomposition: bainite, acicular ferrite, heat of transformation and effect of deformation
Marcella Klouwens2024-11-29T11:23:37+01:00Key information Project in the Spotlight: T17019h (DENS) Market: Materials production Written by: Viktoria Savran Modelling austenite decomposition: bainite, acicular ferrite, heat of transformation and effect of deformation Introduction Important progress has been made in the development of metallurgical models that describe the behaviour of steel both during steel processing and during