About M2i
The Materials innovation institute, long established in the Netherlands and with a growing profile in Europe, is an enabler in materials innovation. Our core mission is to support industry and society in finding solutions for materials-related questions in product development and production processes.
As a network organization specialized in materials research, we collaborate with industry, academia and research institutes. By deploying the knowledge and talent of our partners and in-house experts, M2i drives economic prosperity, environmental progress and societal advances to create sustainable value for all stakeholders. M2i links its activities to the European market and top European innovators, thus strengthening its position as an international player in materials innovation.
What we offer
As of 2015, M2i has a new organizational structure, combining the renowned research institute with a portfolio of commercial services for our existing and new partners in industry, academia and other research institutes. As you explore our website we hope that you will be inspired by the many and varied opportunities to be gained through a partnership with M2i.
We enable and manage materials-related projects between industry, academia and research institutes. In The Netherlands and Europe. We realize custom-made solutions by defining dedicated projects and looking for partners with the right expertise or to share development costs.
Translating the knowledge generated from Science into new or improved products and services is crucial to providing economic gains for industry and society at large. M2i has an impressive track record in turning scientific outputs into value for business.
Our current presence, building on successes

Ever since its beginnings in 1997, NIMR has continuously adapted its services to respond to the demands of its industrial customers. Our industrial partners operate in dynamic markets such as automotive, aerospace and consumer products.

Composite materials and additive manufacturing are examples of growing markets in which M2i fertilizes connections between top Dutch universities and manufacturing companies, bringing the materials and technologies of the future into current industrial practice.

In early 2015, M2i greatly expanded its services. In addition to the established institute activities we now also offer a portfolio of commercial services to our partners in industry and academia.