M2i Conference December 2023
In December, M2i organized her yearly conference again. We enjoyed meeting many of the researchers and their supervisors and the discussions about all science and technology that we together create in our projects. The yearly meeting is an important moment in time where we all show our findings and gives a platform for further discussions on the work that we do now and directions that we could set for the future.
This year was a little different than previous editions: you all noticed that we choose a more central location in The Netherlands, the National Sports Center Papendal. Many of you gave very positive feedback on this change, so this will be the location for next year again.
The first day of our conference was as usual our M2i Community day and we combined the the second day with the MaterialenNL Platform. We felt this broadened our view on materials science, widening the scope of our community by involving more material classes. Next year we will be back with our conference, planned again for the beginning of December. We all hope to meet you again at the conference of 2024!
Regards, Marko Bosman and Erik Vegter, Directors M2i
M2i Community Conference 11 December 2023
– private event by invitation –
The first day of the conference, Monday 10 December, is traditionally only accessible for M2i and its partners. The program consists of an interesting mix of key note presentations about developments in materials innovation and parallel sessions offering an in-depth insight in research projects. For more information about the first day, please visit the M2i intranet.
Aftermovie M2i Conference 2023
Photo impression M2i Conference 2023
The M2i Community Conference was organized in cooperation with 4TU.HTM. If you have any further questions regarding the M2i Conference, please contact us at conference[at]m2i.nl