On 28 October 4TU.HTM and M2i will organize a joint workshop on Nano-Characterisation.
Location: De Witte Vosch, Utrecht
To be able to develop novel, high-tech materials for sustainable applications, a thorough understanding of materials on the nanoscale is crucial. This workshop aims to bring together scientists and industrial partners with interest and expertise on nano-characterisation throughout the different types of materials, techniques and processes for an exchange of ideas and observations.
Confirmed key note speaker
Prof.dr. Holger Schönherr
Full professor in Physical Chemistry, Universität Siegen (Germany)
Prof. Schönherr research interests are: organic and polymeric surfaces and interfaces, bio-interfaces, molecular properties and dynamics in confined systems, surface forces and surface analysis with scanning force-microscopy.
Other speakers (so far)
Sissi de Beer
Materials Science and Technology of Polymers Group, University of Twente
Nanoscale Subsurface Morphologies in Block Copolymer Thin Films Revealed by Combined Near-Field Infrared Microscopy and Mechanical Mapping
Hanne van der Kooij MSc
Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, WUR
Nano-strain imaging van self-healing materials
There is room for oral presentations and posters.
If you are interested to present your work and to participate, contact: Reina Boerrigter
For registration and updates on the programme, please check the website of 4TU.HTM