SAVE THE DATE! M2i, SIM, and Brightlands Materials Center are excited to announce our annual M2i conference and Meeting Materials. This year our conference will return to Leeuwenhorst Conference Centre in Noordwijkerhout and will be held on December 11 & 12, 2017.

The first day is the regular part for invited attendees. The program consists of an interesting mix of key note presentations about developments in materials innovation and parallel sessions offering an in-depth insight in research projects.

The second day is open for everyone who is interested and involved in materials development. Meeting Materials is an opportunity to learn about the latest insights and developments in the field of innovative and smart materials, along with ways in which these materials can stimulate economic progress and a sustainable society.

>>> Click here to save the date in your outlook-calendar <<<

Call for input

Share your research findings! M2i invites you to help shape our upcoming conference by providing proposals for content or showing your interest on a certain topic. This is your opportunity to share valuable research and/or ask important questions related to Materials innovation.

  • Would you like to present on Meeting Materials? Please send us a title for your presentation and a short description of your topic.
  • If you have suggestions on topics you would like to see on our conference, feel free to send in topics. Topics could range from composites to materials for sustainable energy, from additive manufacturing to nanotechnology, and further on!

Please email your input before July 5, 2017 to

Elevator Pitches

After last year’s success we will repeat the Elevator Pitch session again this year. Every SME or start-up involved with material development are invited to participate in this session. A unique opportunity to catch the attention of a very diverse audience through a 90 seconds presentation.

All participants of the Elevator pitch can display their products and services in the central hall during the conference. Please email your input to

Meeting Materials is an M2i event and is co-supported by their sister institute in Belgium Strategisch Initiatief Materialen in Flanders (SIM), Bond voor Materialenkennis, and Brightlands Materials Center (BMC) in Geleen.