M2i is proud to be part of the organisation committee of the fourth European Conference Industrial Technologies 2016 which will be held June 22–24 in the RAI Conference Centre in Amsterdam.
The Netherlands is proud to be the host of the fourth European Conference Industrial Technologies 2016 which will be held June 22–24 in the RAI Conference Centre in Amsterdam.
The conference is organised as an associated event of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2016. Industrial Technologies 2016 is the largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation in Europe. More than 1.250 high level delegates are expected.
Creating a Smart Europe
The three day conference brings together research, industry, education, finance and policy from manufacturing and process industry and technology do
mains from all over Europe to identify priorities that are crucial to strengthen the European industrial innovation ecosystem: A Smart Europe. The conference offers a wide variety of plenary and interactive sessions. Inspiring keynote speakers, case studies and eye-opening site visits will amaze visitors with ground-breaking innovations. The conference and in specific the matchmaking programme and the pitches offer numerous opportunities to get in contact with new business partners.
The complete and detailed programme will be announced on the website www.industrialtechnologies2016.eu. Subscribe to the newsletters or follow us on social media to stay informed about the latest actual updates.
The international conference Industrial Technologies 2016 – Creating a Smart Europe is organised as an associated event of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is organised by key representatives from the Dutch industrial innovation ecosystem: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Ministry of Economic Affairs / Manufacturing Industries – FME / The high tech industry and related research– Topsector HTSM and TNO / Digitalisation of the industry – The Dutch Smart Industry Initiative / Process industries – ISPT and the Topsectors Energy and Chemicals / Applied Nanotechnologies – NanoNextNL /Advanced Materials – M2i.
For more information about Industrial Technologies 2016, visit the website www.industrialtechnologies2016.eu