Meeting Materials 13 December 2022, Noordwijkerhout
-public event-
25th Meeting Materials
What began in 1997 as an annual meeting for the Dutch materials science community, existing of a dozen researchers, students and our industrial partners has blossomed into an invigorating event about innovations in materials. This year we again expect over 300 participants, representatives from SME’s to renowned industrial manufacturing companies, and from international universities and research institutes.
This year the Program consists of interesting workshops and presentations and of course a lot of opportunities to expand your network. Day 1 (12 December) is a private event for the M2i community only. The program for day 1 can be found on the M2i Intranet.
Meeting Materials is free of charge and open for everyone who is interested in materials development. The conference is an opportunity to learn about the latest insights and developments in the field of innovative and smart materials, along with ways in which these materials can stimulate economic progress and a sustainable society. This day is co-organized with 4TU.HTM and supported by the Bond voor Materialenkennis (BvM) and will be held again at NH Leeuwenhorst, Langelaan 3, 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout.
Additive Manufacturing Challenge
During its annual conference Meeting Materials, M2i will organise an open Additive Manufacturing Challenge. We therefore challenge all students, researchers and engineers in the field of Aerospace, Architecture, Design, Maritime, Materials, Mechanical, design a novel product, to be printed with wire arc additive manufacturing.

Elevator Pitches
Again we will organize the Elevator Pitch session this year. SMEs (MKB) or start-ups involved with material development are invited to participate in this session. A unique opportunity to catch the attention of a very diverse audience with a 90 seconds presentation.
Exhibition of expertise
All participants of the Elevator Pitch can display their products and services in the central hall during the length of the conference and can invite their audience to meet there.
Interested in joining?
Please email your input to
Keynote speakers
Prof. Cem Tasan (MIT)
Professor Cem Tasan explores the boundaries of physical metallurgy, solid mechanics, and in-situ microscopy, in order to design new alloys with exceptional damage-resistance. He received his PhD in Mechanics of Materials from TU/e. Following postdoctoral work at Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung in Germany, he was appointed as a Group Leader there, leading the Adaptive Structural Materials Group until joining MIT in 2016. His group at MIT mainly focuses on (i) developing new in-situ characterization tools and methods, (ii) improving the physical understanding of transformation, deformation, damage micro-mechanisms in metallic materials; (iii) designing damage-resistant microstructures and alloys.
Prof. Mary Ryan (Imperial College London)
Mary Ryan is full professor of Materials and Nanotechnology, and Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering at the Imperial College in London. She was elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2015 and is a Fellow IoM3 and of the Institute of Corrosion. IoM3 awarded her with the Armourers & Brasiers Company Prize in 2021 for excellence in materials engineering. Her main interest is in the area of applied electrochemistry and corrosion, with a focus on deposition of nanostructures and the study of self-forming nanocrystalline oxides; as well as fundamental work on degradation and stability of metal systems. A key aspect of her work is understanding the reactivity and stability of nanostructures in operando in order to maximize efficiency and lifetime of devices and systems.
Prof. Peter Lee (UCL)
Peter is Professor of Materials Science at University College London and holds the Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in the Emerging Technology of Additive Manufacturing. He is an expert in characterising microstructural evolution during manufacturing using in-situ synchrotron imaging.
He uses these results to inform Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) models to predict processing-structure-property relationships, based on more than 30 years experience at Alcan, Imperial, Harwell, and now University College London. He has published more than 300 journal papers and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and the Institute of Cast Metals Engineers.
Impressions of the last years conference