Meeting Materials 15 December,
– online public event-
23rd Meeting Materials
What began in 1997 as an annual meeting for the Dutch materials science community, existing of a dozen researchers, students and our industrial partners has blossomed into an invigorating event about innovations in materials. This year we again expect over 300 participants, representatives from SME’s to renowned industrial manufacturing companies, and from international universities and research institutes.
Different than usual and earlier announcements, this year the M2i Conference will take place virtually.
In consultation with representatives of the intended venue (the Leeuwenhorst in Noordwijkerhout), we have evaluated the impact of the Covid-19 measures recommended by the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and the Dutch government on our Conference. Under these conditions, the possibilities for networking would be severely limited and the Conference would not meet its purpose of bringing together the Dutch materials community. For this reason, we have decided that the M2i Conference and Meeting Materials 2020 will take place virtually.
This year the Program consists of interesting workshops and presentations and of course a lot of opportunities to expand your network.
Meeting Materials is free of charge and open for everyone who is interested in materials development. The conference is an opportunity to learn about the latest insights and developments in the field of innovative and smart materials, along with ways in which these materials can stimulate economic progress and a sustainable society. This day is co-organised with 4TU.HTM and supported by the Bond voor Materialenkennis (BvM).
Special topic – National Agenda Materials
(by Prof.dr. Albert Polman)
The MaterialenNL platform consists of the bundling of academic parties, applied research organizations, universities of applied sciences and industrial parties and sector organizations. On behalf of the Top Sectors Chemistry, Energy and High Tech Systems & Materials, the platform has complied this agenda. It demonstrates that the Dutch economy largely depends on materials and that new and improved materials have an enormous impact on our daily lives. The agenda describes the research directions in which these parties wish to collaborate.
Additive Manufacturing Design Contest for Young Engineers
During its annual conference Meeting Materials, M2i will organise an open Additive Manufacturing Design Contest for young engineers. We therefore challenge all young engineers and researchers to design a novel product, to be printed with wire arc additive manufacturing.
More information and registration for the Design Contest
Keynote Speakers
Prof.dr. Philip de Goey (TU/e)
Philip de Goey is full professor combustion technology @ and dean of Mechanical Engineering Department of TU/e as well as founder and chair of the board of the Metalot, innovation centre on circular use of energy and metals. In 2010 he received the prestigious Simon Stevin Meester award of NWO and in 2020 a very prestigious advanced grant of the European Research Council.
Mr. Joep Broekhuijsen (Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding)
Joep Broekhuijsen is project manager research at Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding. He has a background in Naval architecture with a specialization in the analysis of ship structures under extreme loading conditions. He has been involved in numerous R&D projects investigating material solutions for naval ships that improve the performance, resilience and at the same time reduce fuel cost, maintenance need and environmental impact.
Prof.dr. Maria Loi (RUG)
Maria Loi is full professor at faculty of Science and engineering of the university of Groningen and chair of the Photophysics and OptoElectronics group. Her main interest is in the study of the photophysics of new hybrid- and nano-materials and in their application in optoelectronic devices. Among others awards, in 2012 she has received an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council, in 2018 she received the Physicaprijs from the Dutch physics association for her outstanding work on organic-inorganic hybrid materials and in 2020 she became fellow of the American Physical Society.
Photo impression Meeting Materials 2019